Could you benefit from a new central heating installation in Hampshire? 

Old and outdated systems run much less efficiently than the latest models, leading to unnecessarily high sky-bills as well as environmental damage. If you want to protect the environment while reducing your energy usage, then you might want to consider hiring our experts for a new central heating installation in Portsmouth or Southampton.

Central heating process

Prestige Plumbers carry out numerous tasks on central heating systems including the installation of new and replacement radiators. We also install new and replacement control valves, pumps thermostats and programmers. We can investigate and repair leaks within the central heating system including problems with the hot water cylinder.

Unvented hot water cylinder

We carry out a fully comprehensive installation and service package for unvented hot water cylinders.

Our engineers are fully trained in the competent persons of unvented hot water systems and the installation and practices as required by building regulations document G3 as required by law.

We can therefore install, service and repair all types of unvented hot water cylinders. We also offer a full diagnosis check of broken or faulty units.

We’ve got the accreditations to prove it. Trust us to install your high-quality central heating. 

With 40 years of experience, we have seen it all. Every plumbing problem has a solution that Prestige Plumbers can resolve. 

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